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Parliament passed the Currency Act of 1764 to take control of the colonial currency system. It banned the printing of any new currency and forbid the use of the old colonial currency. It also stated that Britain had the power to try any smugglers and would enforce the results of the prosecution to their advantage rather than the colonies', advantage.

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Q: Currency act of 1764
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What was the act of 1764?

There were two acts of 1764 the Revenue Act (sugar act) and the Currency Act of 1764.

What was the date of the currency act?

The currency act was passed in 1764

What year was the Currency act Passed?

The Currency Act was passed in 1764.

When did the Currency Act come to an end?

The currency act of 1764 was repealed by England in 1767.

What year was the sugar act and currency acts passed?

The suger act and currency act passed in 1764

What act didn't let colonists print paper money?

It was the Currency Act that outlawed the use of paper money in the colonies. Parliament passed the act in 1764.

What was the currency act of 1764?

The Currency Act of 1764 was passed after the French and Indian War had ended. The act banned the use of paper money in all colonies. In passing this, the British government was attempting to have a greater amount of control over the individual colonies.

Why did the Currency act anger colonist when it passed in 1764?

it prohibited the colonist from printing paper money

What where the main provisions of the Currency Act of 1764?

America was getting rich by not owing anyone interest on the money they were printing themselves. Great Britain viewed America as becoming too independent. The Currency Act of 1764 was another straw that lead to the America Revolution.

How did the American colonists protest the Currency Act of 1764?

they didin't whan't the colonies to have there own money

What was the reason for the currency act?

Britain's rationale for enacting the Currency act of 1764 was to support British merchants, and therefore benefit the British economy. And also to increase the gold and silver reserves in Great Britain, which were running very low on this nonpaper money currency.

When was the currency act repealed?

The currency act of 1751 sought to regulate paper currency in order to protect British merchants from trading in depreciated currencies. In 1764, Congress reviewed the act, and the colonies could not issue new bills. Trade suffered due to capital shortage. The American Revolution triggered the repealing of the act.