Subsequent means something comes after another event. The number two follows the number one. Getting paid follows getting a job.
Subsequent Presidents have simply ignored his warnings.
Stare Decisis
diferent Authers definition of profitability
department of justice
apply a second or subsequent time
The definition of the noun inception is an event that is the beginning; a first part or stage of subsequent events.Inception is the beginning of something.
A judicial decision that may be used as a standard in subsequent similar cases.
An act or instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent similar instances.
It is a decimal representation where, after a finite number of digits, all subsequent digits are 0 [or of them all 9].
Personal voice is defined as the one's own thoughts, reflections, and subsequent critical analysis of the material at hand.
Ultimate cause refers to the primary or fundamental reason behind something happening. It aims to identify the root cause that leads to all subsequent events or outcomes.
after, then, subsequent
The definition of a ponzi scheme is that ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from profits earned by the individual or organization running the operation.
Overheating due to overload and subsequent flaming, arcing or burning will liberate explosive gases and vapors gradually, from within the compartment.
subsiguiente (lat. subsequentem) adj. ambos géneros. Dícese de lo que viene inmediatamente. 2. Que viene o está después.