A simple explanation is that each of the three branches are inhibited by and can inhibit the other branches.
The executive branch can inhibit the legislative by vetoing and can inhibit the Judicial by appointing judges.
The legislative can inhibit the executive by overriding the veto and can inhibit the judicial by impeachment and how far their power stretches
The judicial stops the executive by declaring its actions unconstitutional and the congress by interpreting the laws passed
Checks and Balances
Checks and balances is the system whereby each branch of the government exercises some control over the others.
To allow leaders to make bolder decisions
Checks and balances allow the branches of government to equalize power. Without checks and balances, one branch of government could become too powerful.
checks and balancesIt is a system of checks and balances.
The Checks and Balances system maintains the separation of powers.
Checks and Balances
The delegates created a checks and balances system within the federal government so no one branch could become extremely powerful. Checks and balances is apart of the separation of powers of the federal government.
they send out checks. they report lost damages.
say i love her
Checks and Balances
Checks and balances is the system whereby each branch of the government exercises some control over the others.
Checks and balances
To create a checks and balances system and limit corruption.
A system in which each branch of government can check the other two is a system operating with a separation of power.
Judicial review
The system of checks and balances.