1993 -- Iraq. On June 28, 1993, President Clinton reported that on June 26 U.S. naval forces had launched missiles against the Iraqi Intelligence Service's headquarters in Baghdad in response to an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate former President Bush in Kuwait in April 1993.
1993 -- Iraq. In a status report of July 22, 1993, President Clinton said on June 19 a U.S. aircraft had fired a missile at an Iraqi anti-aircraft site displaying hostile intent. U.S. planes also bombed an Iraqi missile battery on August 19, 1993.
1993 -- Macedonia. On July 9, 1993, President Clinton reported the deployment of 350 U.S. armed forces to Macedonia to participate in the U.N. Protection Force to help maintain stability in the area of former Yugoslavia.
There's more, but they're even older: http://www.history.navy.mil/wars/foabroad.htm
The president proposes several new bills that are all rejected by Congress - apex
There are several titles for the head of the executive branch of a national government, e.g., prime minister, premier and president.
There is no fixed length of the office of president world-wide; there are several nations that have presidents. In the United States the standard term is 4 years in length, starting January 20 following the November elections. A US president can currently be elected to 2 terms and no more. However, a US president could serve up to 10 years. If the next-in-line takes the office of president from a president who is no longer able to serve, and if the time left is less than half of the term, the new president may still run for and serve two terms of his/her own. If the time left is more than half of the former president's term, the new president can run for only one four-year term of his/her own.
The president of the United States is Trump and the United States doesn't have prime ministers . Several nations do have prime ministers, but we need the name of the country to tell his/her name.
which people have formed an economic oligarchy in several latin American countries
There were several. One of whom went on to become the president of the US.
Theodore Roosevelt was an American president who was also an archeologist. He participated in several archeological expeditions in Egypt and South America during his lifetime.
No, there is no rule about that. As it turns out, most American presidents did get married, and usually long before they were elected to the presidency. But several were widowers, several married while in office, and at least one-- James Buchanan (the 15th president)-- never married at all.
If you are asking if you (or anyone) can become president, the answer is yes-- but there are several rules that are in the Constitution, and they apply only to the president: he (or she) must be American-born, and at least 35 years old. If you were not born in the United States, you may still be a governor or a senator or a representative, but you may not be the president.
"several" can be used to describe many.
First of all, it is inappropriate to refer to the Indian as red... except if they are sunburned, perhaps. secondly, several leaders wrote the president Which tribe were you referring to?
Several forces: # hydrogen bonding # bouyancy # surface tension # plus dynamic forces, depending on the circumstance.
It was a punitive expedition, with the aim of capturing or killing Villa. Such capture never happened; instead American forces had several skirmishes that resulted in several deaths from both sides. Nowadays, it is considered an "operational failure".
John McCain (R) is the senator of Arizona. His avocation for the past several months was to try and win the American election for president.
There were several generals in the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. The most of famous of those was George Washington who later became president.
There are several ways to describe such a person. Titles like "volunteer" or "leader" could work depending on the circumstance. Also, if a person does something without being asked, they are usually described as initiative (as in "taking initiative," "being initiative," or "having initiative").