Large companies began locating their production facilities outside their home countries. This was small scale until World War II then it dramatically expanded, especially after 1970.
Like the economy of individual nations, the world's economy is measured by GDP, or gross domestic product. In 2012, the global GDP was 71.83 trillion U.S. dollars.
The US is interconnected with other parts of the world. Therefore, when our economy is doing poorly it reflects on the economies of other countries as well.
to describe a situation caused by a weak economy and rising prices
The correct answers are: Human-environmental interaction: Understand how people have affected the landscape; Movement: Understand how global trade affects a regional economy; Place: Appreciate how people feel about their homelands; Location: Estimate how long it might take to fly to another city.
Ample foreign trade bolstered the economy.
A monetary policy making and has an influence over the financial conditions of the global market as a whole. SK(apex)
Its Global.
Leche de Puerco y Tu mama ... Apex
The most domi The most dominant areas in the global economy include: nant areas in the global economy include:
A strong political will will keep the global economy sound
Free Trade
A symbol of deindustrialization would be people moving out of the cities as industry becomes a less central part of daily life.
Global is an adjective, as in the case of "global confusion" or "global economy".
its the same thing
How will the depression in the global economy affect the strategic planning in the organisation?
he global economy has a direct impact on the job market
22 percent