The equity function of government is concerned with the ability of all people to have their basic fundamental needs fulfilled. Programs to aid the poor and redistribute some of the wealth are the goals of a government that favors equity.
the government attempts to keep the economy from becoming unmanageable
economic equity
The best description of the government created under the constitution is that it was a federal republic.
A government that does not allow normal citizens to participate - APEX
In many ways, administrative agencies function independently of the rest of the government.
Creator a perfect government
In an economic function, equity is when the appointment of resources is considered fair. Government economic functions include providing public services and maintain a national defense.
equity :D
The equity function of government aims to ensure fairness and justice in the distribution of resources and opportunities among its citizens. It involves policies and programs designed to reduce socio-economic disparities and promote equal access to essential services, regardless of individuals' backgrounds or circumstances.
A complex question, to complex for this form There is a good description of their government on WIKI pedia
In a socialist economic function, the government uses a process such as income redistribution to assist the poor or the handicapped.
arteries description and function
Equity is the dollar amount of value in an investment. It can be more or less than the actual amount paid for the item.
Stability.. A+ :)