Eisenhower did not lose his re-election, he served two full terms. He actually had a record win with 58% popular vote and he won over 41 states.
In the Philippines, it is the worst TV station ever.
By far the worst Act Congress has ever passed has been the Federal Reserve act of 1913. This act put our currency into control of a private bank and has caused great harm to America's economy ever since. See the book The Creature From Jekyll Island by Edward Griffin.
No other country will ever, nor should ever, adopt the US Constitution.
There's no record of it ever happening, so no.
Not by a huge margin. many monarchs were far worse.
President James Carter lost the re-election by the worst margin ever recorded. He was defeated by Ronald Reagan who won 90.9% of the electoral vote and 50.8 percent of the popular vote. Reagan carried 44 of the 50 states.
it is not the worst ever website.
The worst ever tsunami recorded was 9.5! that was the worst EARTHQUAKE ever recorded you retard! valdivia chile, 22 may 1960
yes it can be negative.
Rebecca regan and kate Wilson r the worst mings ever !!!!!!!
The worst books ever include the entire House of Night series.
Worst Episode Ever was created on 2001-02-04.
Yes, one time
No, Lincoln was killed in 1865 and Eisenhower was born in 1890.
you are the worst cook in the world i have the worst headache i have ever had