Establish respect for the office of the presidency
george washington kissed the bible after taking his oath of office
The main reason that George Washington left office after two terms was that he did not want to establish an imperial presidency. He believed it should be an office of the people not a dynasty.
establish a government and respect for the office of the presidency.
Establish respect for the office of the presidency
George Washington George Washington was the first ELECTED for office, but there was a time period of two weeks where George Washington had to get to office, and he had a replacement for those two weeks. didn't know that DID YOU!
how does george washington spiritual life affected life to his term of office
Establish respect for the office of the presidency
George Washington was president of the U.S. from 1789-1797. He would have come out of office around March 4, 1797.
George Washington.
george washington kissed the bible after taking his oath of office
The White House was completed after George Washington left office.
george washington ha haha