George Washington was kind, loyal,leader,patriotic,nice,caring,and hardworking.that is why we all say George Washington was first in war,first in peace,and first to make this country a better place.
The major accomplishments of George Washington were the preservation of the Continental Army during the Revolution, the defeat of General Cornwallis at Yorktown, and the creation of the first government of the United States of America. Together, his first two accomplishments allowed the United States to secure its independence from Great Britain while the third ensured that the United States had a stable political, economic, and diplomatic foundation that prevented it from collapsing during its early years.
They know the territory better than the British, fight asymetrically for the most part, and their lower numbers are conducive to concealment and fast movement. And their commander was George Washington.
He embraced the Bill of Rights so we could have a better governmment.
George Washington did not chop down a cherry tree or say "I can't tell a lie, Pa". This apocryphal story was created by Mason Locke Weems better known as Parson Weems in A History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits of General George Washington.
yes, because he made the continental army and put george washington as the leader.
george washington
George Washington was kind, loyal,leader,patriotic,nice,caring,and hardworking.that is why we all say George Washington was first in war,first in peace,and first to make this country a better place.
George Washington is the better known of these two.
He wanted the country to be a better place. Congress and the people also wanted him to be the President.
George Washington, because he was a very brave leader.
Spongebob Squarepants, but to my opinion I like George Washington better.
One of George Washington quotes is, 'It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.'
It's actually better or worse* and no one would know for sure but the country would definitely be very different. Without George Washington, we would have no inauguration speeches, and the terms of presidency would not be four years. In fact, the US might not even be a democracy. It was Washington who wanted to have elected "rulers," or presidents.
he was in the miletary
George Washington was no doubt more successful as president, but John Adams really did not have much of a chance to better Washington. Washington was hard to top.
Peanuts or in better terms Horticulture