lyndon B Johnson did not have a vice president when he first took office because when the term started he was the vice president. Johnson picked Humphrey to be his vice president and then the American people voted for Johnson and Humphrey as a team.
Lyndon Johnson did not have a vice-president when he first took office since he was the vice-president when the term began. The vice-president for his second term was Hubert H. Humphrey from Minnesota.
Andrew Johnson, US Senate from Tennessee in 1875.
Andrew Johnson was the only ex-president to return to the US Senate.
HHH was elected the Veep in 1964 when he ran on a ticket headed by Lyndon Johnson.
There have been two vice-presidents Johnson, about 100 years apart.Andrew Johnson, elected in 1864 and Lyndon Johnsonelected in 1960. Oddly, they each became President due to the assassination of the president.
If Lyndon B. Johnson had died before being re-elected, Hubert Humphrey would have been next in line to assume the presidency. Humphrey was Johnson's vice president and would have been next in the line of succession.
When Kennedy's VP, Lyndon B. Johnson, became president for a time he had no VP.Upon Johnson's being elected in his own right, Hubert Humphrey became his VP.
John F. Kennedy preceded Lyndon Johnson as President of the USA.Lyndon Johnson was elected as John F. Kennedy's Vice President. So technically, Lyndon B. Johnson was president before Lyndon B. Johnson was elected as president.
Hubert H. Humphrey was the 38th US Vice President who unsuccessfully ran for president, losing to Richard Nixon.
Andrew Johnson completed the 1865-1869 presidential term, to which Abraham Lincoln was elected, after the assassination of President Lincoln. He failed to get nominated to run for another term. Andrew Johnson was elected Vice President once, never elected President, and served as President a total of about 97% of a term. Lyndon Johnson completed the 1961-1965 presidential term, to which John F. Kennedy was elected, after the assassination of President Kennedy. In 1964, he was reelected for the 1965-1969 term. Lyndon Johnson was elected Vice President once, elected President once, and served as President a total of about 1.29 terms.
Lyndon Johnson did not have a vice-president when he first took office since he was the vice-president when the term began. The vice-president for his second term was Hubert H. Humphrey from Minnesota.
no..the presidential candidate decides whom he will appoint to run as vice president with him
President Andrew Johnson was elected Vice President in 1864. He served as U.S. President from the time of Abraham Lincoln's assassination in April 1865 until March 1869, but he was never elected President. President Lyndon B. Johnson was elected Vice President in 1960 and President in 1964. He served as U.S. President from the time of John F. Kennedy's assassination in November 1963 until January 1969.
Andrew Johnson was never elected President. He was elected Vice-President under Abraham Lincoln, and ascended to the presidency due to Lincoln's assassination in April 1865. He was 56 years old when he became US President.