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Yes Molly Pitcher used a cannon when her husbend John fell to the ground because of the heat. Molly started to swab and lode. George Washington heard of this and from then on she was know as a Sergeant .

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Molly Hayes, best known by the name of "Molly Pitcher," was made a legend at the Battle of Monmoth during the Revolutionary War.

During the battle, she ignored the dangers and used a pitcher to bring water to men who were wounded and exhausted.

When her husband, John Hayes, fell from the extreme heat, Molly took over his position at a cannon. She kept her vigil at the cannon, firing and cleaning it out most of the rest of the day...until night came and the firing stopped.

Eventually, she was recognized for her bravery and has been known by many as "Molly Pitcher."

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes, she did. When one of the soldiers had gotton shot by another soldier, she took over and fired a couple of cannons.

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Q: Did Molly Pitcher use a gun or cannon?
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What heroic act did Molly Pitcher perform during the battle of monmouth in june 1778?

Molly Pitcher originally just carried water for the soldiers. During the battle her husband was wounded while firing a cannon. Molly ran over and took over the cannon and began firing and loading the cannon.

Which of these achievements was crucial to the Ottoman Turks' ability to capture Byzantine cities in the 15th century?

The use of gun powder

What things in America should all people be informed about?

recently gun crime has been an issue as people have heard on hte news. people should be more aware of the dangers and maybe think about preventing gun use in the usa as it is allowed more than in other countries.

What is the term use when a person votes for every candidate on the ballot from his or her own political party?

One term is "bullet voting", because the voter goes straight down the line of candidates just like a bullet from a gun. Another term is "line voting", which comes from the same concept but also has the connotation of voting the entire line of candidates.

To what extent is that truism exemplified in the shared perspectives (on states rights and federal power) of the marijuana entrepreneur in Oakland and gun-rights activist in Montana?

The shared perspectives of the marijuana entrepreneur in Oakland and gun-rights activist in Montana on states rights and federal power could vary widely depending on the specifics of their respective positions. The marijuana entrepreneur in Oakland likely views states rights as a means to protect their business’s ability to remain in operation, as marijuana is still illegal on the federal level. This entrepreneur may be in favor of states having the right to make their own laws regarding marijuana, as it would help their business remain viable. Meanwhile, the gun-rights activist in Montana may view states rights as a way to protect their Second Amendment rights from federal encroachment. This perspective would likely be rooted in a desire to keep the federal government from passing laws that could impede the ability of individuals to own and use firearms. In terms of federal power, the marijuana entrepreneur in Oakland may be wary of too much federal power, as it could lead to new laws that might make their business illegal. On the other hand, the gun-rights activist in Montana may support an increased role of the federal government in protecting their Second Amendment rights, as they could view it as a means of ensuring that their rights are not infringed upon. Overall, the shared perspectives of the marijuana entrepreneur in Oakland and gun-rights activist in Montana on states rights and federal power could vary greatly depending on their respective positions and the specifics of the issue at hand.

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What did Mary Molly Pitcher Hays do during the American revolution?

molly pitcher Hayes brought buckets of water tt the solders to use the cannon.

What heroic act did Molly Pitcher perform during the battle of monmouth in june 1778?

Molly Pitcher originally just carried water for the soldiers. During the battle her husband was wounded while firing a cannon. Molly ran over and took over the cannon and began firing and loading the cannon.

Did Molly Pitcher face any problems in her life?

she didn't get any awards but Molly Pitcher was honored with an overprint reading "MOLLY / PITCHER" on a U.S. postage stamp. Molly was further honored in World War II with the naming of the Liberty ship SS Molly Pitcher, launched in 1943. It was used to encourage the use of the ration program and the purchase of treasury bonds during World War II. The stretch of US Route 11 between Shippensburg and Chambersburg, Pennsylvania is known as the Molly Pitcher Highway.

What fake name did Mary McCauley use?

Molly Pitcher

What type of gun use in war?

Rifles, pistols, shotguns, machine guns, cannon.

What did acted Molly Pitcher perform during the Battle of Monmouth in June 1778?

she carried water back and fourth from a well to her husband and his fellow artilleryman's. for other information on Molly Pitcher please use "" please subscribe

What weapons did they use in china?

They used the Gun, Cannon, Horse draw weapon's, spears, swords

What do soldiers out at war learn to do?

they learn how to fight, use a gun and cannon. they also learn to use artillery. indeed war was a tough time!

What is a molly rivet?

A Molly Rivet is much like a standard rivet except the shank on a molly rivet mushrooms out to grip a hollow wall. they still require the use of a rivet gun, they just have a much larger gripping area so as to not tear out of the hole they are installed into.

Why does a cannon and a cannon ball have different accelerations when it is fired?

The cannon (also called artillery or gun or field piece) has no acceleration. It's just a stationary tube; a gun barrel.The cannon ball (also called a shell or projectile) travels at a speed determined by it's propellent charge; interior of the gun tube (rifled or smoothbore); length of gun tube; and the caliber of the weapon (gun size).As a rule: Larger projectiles travel slower; rifled barrels shoot slower projectiles; shorter gun tube have shorter ranges; smaller powder charges (propellent) travel smaller distances.I'm sorry, but the cannon does accelerate in the opposite direction of the cannon ball. This is called recoil. Old cannons simply rolled backwards as a result of recoil and had to be manually pulled forward again and reaimed. Modern artillery pieces all use recoil absorbing mechanisms that permit the barrel to recoil without moving the carriage, then automatically reextend the barrel.To answer the original question, the cannon is heavier and the ball is lighter, therefor the ball accelerates faster than the cannon.

Who stored gun powder in the Parthenon?

The Turkish Army. It was common to use any building (including old temples) as cannon forts or weapon storage.

If they used armored tanks what kind did they use?

All tanks are armored; if they weren't armored they would be called self propelled guns (because they have a cannon mounted on them). It they were armored, but didn't have a gun (cannon) it would be called an armored personnel carrier. Therefore, since it's got armor & a gun, it's called a tank.