When Hancock was buried he had on his finest rings. The grave robbers couldn't remove the rings from his hand so the simply cut off his entire hand.
Act of toleration.
The grave for John Kennedy is marked with an Eternal Flame. The flame continues to burn and ignites automatically if it is extinguished by weather or by accident.
Robber barrons are not the same as carpetbaggers. Robber barrons is another name for captains of industry, these were leaders like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. They ran businesses during the Guilded Age. Carpet baggers are notherners who traveled south during reconstruction to take part in politics in the south. They were not recieved very well by southerners who were experiencing backlash from the Civil War.
John Jacob Astor (real estate, fur) - New York. Andrew Carnegie (steel) - Pittsburgh and New York. William A. Clark (copper) - Butte, Montana.
Robber Barons were wealthy businessmen who were known to use harsh practices to gain their wealth. They often used child or cheap labor, did not adhere to safety regulations and worked their employees long hours in order to keep production high.
He was an only child.
john hancocks birth was in braintree Massachusetts BOOM GOES THE FIRE POWER
i like muffins
He was a merchant and successful smuggler.
They were lynched by George Washington
Working for his uncle
John Hancock was a merchant
He was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence.
John Hancock believed that the colonies should be completely independent from Great Britain.