Yes it was hit by a plane because evidence on a security camera shows the planes tail disappear when the explosion happened. And it could have been that the explosion could have destroyed the evidence of the wings because of the planes impact.
Yes. On September 11, 2001, four airliners were hijacked by Muslim terrorists working with the group Al Qaida. Two of them were deliberately crashed into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. A third jet was deliberately crashed into the Pentagon in Alexandria, Virginia (just across the river from Washington, D.C.). The fourth airliner crashed into a field near Shanksville, PA after passengers, informed of the attack by cell phone, attempted to re-take the aircraft from the hijackers.
Yes. American Airlines Flight 77, en route from Dulles, VA (near Washington D.C.) to Los Angeles, was diverted by terrorists and crashed into the western side of the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m.
ThRee places where attacked on 9/11/01. First the twin towers in new york city. Second the pentagon in Washington DC. The third plane would of hit the white house but went down in an open field in Pennsylvania
the world trade center is hit by hijacked plane flight 11 and 1 more plane
it look like a big huge ginormous pentagon shaped building stupid its in the name
The release of the Pentagon Papers turned an already war-weary American public even more sharply against US involvement in Vietnam. As of June 2011, the Pentagon Papers are declassified and available to the American public in their entirety.
Boeing 757plane hit the pentagon.
The Pentagon was really high and the plane drivers did not see it
becouse i do not know
The plane was going at 402 miles an hour full speed at the pentagon.
it hit the pentagon but it didn't totally destroy it.
It was a Boeing 757.
He was on a the plane that hit the pentagon on 9-11
An American Airlines Boeing 757.
Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. We think that over 2,000 people were in the section that the plane hit...
The Pentagon was an attempted target, (9-11)but since the plane didn't make it there due to a passenger takeover, it was not hit and had no victims.
the third plane hit the pentagon and the fourth landed on a field in Pennsylvania
It hit it's target on 9/11/01 and flew into the southern wing of the pentagon.