I suppose that depends on what worlds you are talking about, but if you are talking about the Americas as the new world, cow butter definitely existed before Christopher Columbus, although we don't have an exact date, since it is believed to have existed since animals were first domesticated. Butter could have developed separately in Europe and India, where there were large herds of cattle.
Let's remember that butter can be made from many animals' milk though, so even in the Americas, Buffalo butter and other butters were probably known. Depending on the butter you are talking about, there may be no real way to tell specifically who had it first, but if you are talking only cow butter, then the old world is the answer.
The Old World (British) was able to dominate the New World (America) because there were products the Colonists needed to survive in the New World that they were not able to get in the New World. The Colonists relied on imports of tea and paper and other things.
Oh, what a lovely question! Seaweed can be found in both the old and new world, as it grows in oceans all around the globe. It's amazing how something as simple as seaweed can connect us to different parts of the world, isn't it? Just like how painting can bring people together in a beautiful way.
GOP which at first may have stood for "Gallant Old Party" but now stands for "Grand Old Party" has been used since the 1876 Convention in Cincinnati if not before.
Never in his life had he been called a gentleman...
The Native Americans are a perfect example of what happens when the Old world meets the new world. They died of diseases, were discriminated against, moved off of ancestral lands, and segregated.
There are many. Most grain crops grown in North and South America originate in the Old World. Familiar to most North Americans as a weed is the dandelion, which was originally a kitchen green. It is still eaten by some as such.
Old butter has a larger acid value than new butter because over time, lipase enzymes in the butter can cause fats to break down and release free fatty acids. These free fatty acids contribute to the increase in acid value of the butter as it ages.
did vanilla come from the new or old world
old world
new world squash was in the new world, but it was in the old world of squash.
old world
is sheep from the new or old world
Is shrimp old world or new?
are rats from the new or old world
Old. Came from China with the orange.