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Yes they did. They tried to have the Americans pay by using taxes.

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Q: Did the British pay officers during revolutionary war?
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Good pay and regular supplies

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What demands caused Revolutionary War?

The British demand for the colonist to pay increasing taxes was a main cause of the Revolutionary War. The colonist demanded representation but it was not granted to them.

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cause it pissed the british off that they werent getting their moneyWell, they didn't want to pay the British during the Revolutionary War because it be a waste. They used it for themselves and British didn't gain any money so they were in great debt, and they eventually lost like a slow debt.

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Because they didn't want to pay taxes for British clothing

What did British have to pay for during the French and Indian war?

The British had to pay for the supplies. The British soldiers kept dying so they had to pay for the guns and rope and wood and so froth.

Which of the following was an American weakness during the Revolutionary War?

America had a poorly trained, small army and the british had the best militia in the world

Why did people overthrow british rule in the revolutionary war?

America are selfish lazy pigs who didnt want to pay taxes to their motherland

Lord Dunmore's Occupation During The American Revolution?

to make British people to pay for their taxes

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What made Daniel Shays and his followers angry?

They had to fight in the Revolutionary War as well as help pay for it.

What did the British agree to in Jay's Treaty?

The British agreed to withdrawing their army units from pre-Revolutionary forts in the Jay Treaty.