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No. The second Continential Congress met in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Q: Did the Second Continental Congress meet in the South?
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In what colony did the second continental congress meet?

New York City

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Did the second congress meet in the south?

No. The second Continential Congress met in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania.

Where did the second continental congress meet in?

Philedaelphia, Pennsylvania at the Pennsylvania State House

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What major colonial city did the second Continental congress meet in?

New York City

Where did the continental congress meet?

At philedelphia

Where did continental congress meet?

At philedelphia

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Georgia. They did not send a representative to meet in the first continental congress.

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In which did the first continental congress meet?


When and where did the second continental congress meet?

May 10, 1775 in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania.