Abraham Lincoln,because it underrated the gains made by the 1860 election
No, of course not. But a gun can be a solution to some problems.
Answer this question… Making final decisions
should any one court be given the final word
Men do not stop being fertile, Women stop when they pass though the "menopause".
The Final Solution was the name of the plan. The Allies knew of the final solution through intel, but thought it was a military plan, not plans for the Holocaust.
Solution is a noun and final is an adjective and the Final Solution is a noun phrase or, arguably, a proper noun.
Children were treated good in the final solution
the ghettos came before the final solution
The Final Solution went on for about three years.
The Final Solution was the plan to rid of Europe's Jews.
The Final Solution (of the Jewish question).
"The Final Solution." Or "Final Solution." Often referred to in Nazi documents as "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Note that Hitler never actually came up with a specific plan - his subordinates (led by Himler and Heydrich) gathered together a committee to devise the actual plan, at the direction of Hitler.
final solution = Endlösung
Because the final solution was to kill ALL Jews
The "Final Solution"
The Final Solution was not implemented in 1941. By the time of the Final Solution most of the ghettos had been cleared and the inhabitants murdered.