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what is one of the most important differences between a democratic republic and the british government at the time of the American revolution is... they were fighting against each other and believed in different things.

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There was an important difference between a democratic republic and the British government at time of American Revolution. A democratic republic would ensure all people have representation in the government, the British did not.

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8y ago

A monarchy is headed by a king or queen (or both) and a republic is headed by a president. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - to give the country its full name - is a Parliamentary Democracy and also a Constitutional Monarchy.

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12y ago


The most important difference is that the British government wanted everything for themselves and the democratic republic wanted to be away from the british.

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Q: Difference between a democratic republic and the British government at the time of the American Revolution?
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What was the most important difference between a democratic republic and the British government at the time of the American Revolution?

The most important difference between a democratic republic and the British government at the time of the American Revolution was the citizens' rights to self rule and vote on how they would be ruled.

What is one of the most important difference between a democratic republic and the british government in the time of the American revolution?

One of the most important differencinuij iuh8i

What is one of the most important differences between a democratic republic and the british government at the American revolution?

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they pooped their pants. no. they didnt. the british taxed the colonies unfairly

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