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advantage and dis advantage of centralization and decentralization advantage and dis advantage of centralization and decentralization

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- costly

- potential inconsistencies in process

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Q: Disadvantages of decentralization
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Related questions

What are the problems face decentralization?

The disadvantages of decentralization are when a certain organization has already expanded, decentralization is not needed anymore. It can also result in inadequate control and appraisal.

Disadvantages of both centralization and decentralization?

Some of the disadvantages of centralization is the resources are concentrated to the center and do not reach the grassroots, it leads to delay of work, and has no secrecy or loyalty. The disadvantages of decentralization is that work allocation and performance evaluation is not uniform.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of decentralization?

Decentralization is advantageous in that it allows a company to simplify expansion, delegate and divide responsibilities among departments, and improve diversity and product emphasis. Drawbacks of decentralization include a lack of uniformity in company policies, higher finance costs, internal conflicts and ownership's loss of authority.

What are the objectives of decentralization?

objectives of decentralization

What is the advantages and disadvantages of decentralization?

Through decentralization power is bestowed upon various parts/limbs of the organisation/body,which is beneficial from the point of view of centralizing power in one hand/body. On the contrary, due to lack of proper control decentralisation becomes detrimental to interest of the organisation/body for whom it was intended to.

When was Decentralization Coalition created?

Decentralization Coalition was created on 2005-12-10.

Absolute decentralization is as hypothetical as absolute centralization Discuss Also explain the factors which affect the degree of decentralization Which is best Why?

Absolute decentralization is as hypothetical as absolute centralization. Discuss. Also explain the factors which affect the degree of decentralization. Which is best? Why?

Who is the Minister in Charge of Decentralization for Chad?

Hamid Mahamat Dahalob is the Minister in Charge of Decentralization for Chad.

Who is the Minister of State for Decentralization Reform for Japan?

Yoshitaka Shindo is the Minister of State for Decentralization Reform for Japan.

How were principles of delegation and decentralization incorporated into Cine?

The principles of delegation and decentralization that was incorporated into Cine is the cost of labor.

What does decentralizing mean?

Decentralization is one the trends in organizational structure. Critically examine why decentralization is becoming more common in contemporary organizations. What should companies consider when determining the degree of decentralization

What is the abbreviation for Decentralization?
