No US state does. However, some resident aliens are allowed to vote in Switzerland, likely in recognition of the very strict and limited Immigration policies.
The people wanted the state governments to be stronger than the national governments because they had just escaped the rule of the British where there was a strong central government. But a weak national government didn't work out so, our founding fathers wrote the Constitution which we now live under today. I'm going to go further with this definition and tell you that Our founding fathers wanted a flexible Constitution that could easily change with the growing country.
Yes, states' rights is an important issue to this day. You can see the tension between the federal government and state governments with the move to legalize marijuana at the state level.
There is one National government, 50 state governments, the governments of the territories, Commonwealths, possessions and protectorates (Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, etc). Cities and counties have their own goverments- so there are literally tens of thousands of governments in the US.
olingarchyYes i think governments today have rulers
Nebraska is the only state with a nonpartisan state legislature today.
Sales tax.
Germany is a secular, representative democracy today. It's also a federal republic with strong state governments.
Currently, no.
Today, Aliens do or not exist but back in the early ages (like the years of dinosaurs) there were just as many aliens as there is humans today! but sicentis have some proof that aliens are still alive well maybe what do you think
Federalism is the concept that Australia should have only a central government without the state governments that share authority today.
Some are democratic governments
how does the us constitution play a part in today's governments around the world?
kill all aliens
Age Of Empires 1 maybe. Amazons and Aliens is the best, I still play it today haha.
to be the man reason why people make the things they do today
Hi apple pir