I believe as the commander in chief, that the president is given the ability to deploy the military into conflicts across the world when he takes office. I disagree with the whole law it limits the presidents decision in case of a national emergency against a foreign country. We vote for a president and we as Americans should trust him enough to let him decide without congress approval to send the military to war in any foreign conflict.
War Powers Act
The War Powers Act requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of sending troops into a combat area. There are questions whether the Act is constitutional, and this has not been definitively answered by the Supreme Court.
The War Powers Act of 1941 was never repealed. It was followed up by the War Powers Act of 1943 and then limited by the War Powers Resolution of 1973. Should it be repealed? Yes. It clearly contradicts the text of the constitution that states that it is Congress' responsibility to enter hostilities.
There are 3 main powers congress has on the US military
women in war are agree or disagree briefly explain why agree or disagree?
I think a war can never be holy. Do you agree or disagree?
I think a war can never be holy. Do you agree or disagree?
The War Powers Act or War Power Resolution was the first law passed intending to define and limit the powers the President of the United States possessed.
War Powers Act
War Powers Act
War Powers Act
The atomic bomb was detonated (created) in 1945. That is what caused the cold war. Historians can disagree or Historians can agree; it has no bearing on the detonation date.
Vietnam War
It's not so much that they didn't agree. It's more that they both were working to make nuclear weapons and they were both trying to become world powers through the use of nuclear weapons.