No. But under the current political party system, these are the senior members of the state or national parties, and normally have the most experience with the government of the country or of a state.
However, name recognition and charisma can also boost a candidate, as it did with Jimmy Carter in 1976, Ronald Reagan in 1980, and Barack Obama in 2008. Carter served 3 years in the Georgia Senate and 5 years as governor. Reagan served 8 years as governor of California. Obama served 7 years in the Illinois Senate and 3 as US Senator.
No, you don't even need to be nominated by a political party to get yourself onto the ballot in each state. To get on the ballot in most states (if not all) you just need to submit a petition signed by a certain minimum number of people. That minimum varies from state to state.
However, there is a very large percentage of voters who will not vote for a third party candidate for president no matter how much they like him/her because they believe that a third party candidate cannot win so such a vote would be a waste. Of course, it is the belief itself that makes it true; that could be the quintessential example of a self-fulfilling prophesy. Also, a modern presidential candidate needs to be very rich or very good at fundraising to pay the advertising costs necessary in a modern campaign.
A political party member encourages others to join their party and vote for their candidates.
He/she is the head of the party.
.when people who dont want to register as a member of a political party can register as a independent.!
Please specify which president.
No. The speaker of the house is appointed by the majority party in the House, and has always been a member of that party. The speaker can be anyone, even if they are not a member of the House. (barring a breach of balance of powers; i.e. a Governor could not also be the speaker).
He was a member of the PDL (Democratic Liberal Party).
I assume you mean the president of the United States of America, Barack Obama. He is currently a member of the Democratic Party.
National political parties were formed after George Washington was president, so he was not a member of one.
President James K. Polk, he was a member of the democratic party
He was a member of the PDL (Democrat Liberal Party).
Lincoln was a member of the Republican Party of 1854, but is was a VERY different Republican Party than we have today.
Ulysses Grant was number 18 and he was a Republican.
Current United States President Barack Obama is a member of the Democratic Party.
A political party member encourages others to join their party and vote for their candidates.
President Obama is not a party. He is a member of a party. In America, there are two major (and several other minor) political parties. Mr. Obama is a member of the Democratic Party-- so, we would say he is a Democrat.
He was not a member of a political party because he believed that they would separate our country.