Your tax dollars goes straight to private international banksters that own the Fed.
that because of the new health bill now help pay for abortions
"The first United States income tax was imposed in July 1861, at 3% of all incomes over 800 dollars in order to help pay for the war effort in the American Civil War.[4][5] This tax was repealed and replaced by another income tax in 1862. [6]" -Wikipedia
to pay for programs to help all americans
The first Federal Income tax was collected in 1862. It was to help pay the cost of the United States Civil War.
to pay for programs to help all americans - apex
Tax dollars. Tax dollars fund just about everything and the communities thrive off of it.
How much tax do I have to pay on 1,000 dollars
Yes, That is one of the things that you pay tax for.
check your answer
3000.00 dollars ayear
After Tax Dollars. Any loan you take is repaid in after tax dollars and 401k loans are no different. The money you take out is not taxed so you get the benefit of that. Technically you can default on it and not repay it at all - then you are hit with the big penalty tax as it would be considered a distribution. So it's up to you - pay it with after tax money, or don't pay it and get hit with the tax and the penalty for early withdrawal tax.
40000 dollars at 40%
yes you have to pay 15 dollars more
USPS does. No Tax payer dollars pay them.
How much tax you have to pay.
Robert Morris proposed a 5 percent tax on imported goods to help pay the national debt Robert Morris proposed a 5 percent tax on imported goods to help pay the national debt