this question is an opinion question. the fact that the federal government can ever feel undermined my a state's decision means that the federal government is indeed not supreme and the supremacy clause should be defined unsupported. But alas that is not the case so my answer is that since the supremacy lies within the federal govt any decision that states make that opposes the federal govt does not undermine the federal, however, allows the states to use their reserved powers that given to them in the constitution in the tenth amendment.
Anti-Federalists were opposed to ratifying the Constitution because they did not want to give the federal government that much power. The Constitution was eventually ratified on June 21, 1788.
The Constitution outlines a strong central federal government, while Anti-Federalists preferred more power at the state level.
"Anti-Federalism also refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the Constitution of 1787" The Anti-Federalists.
The anti-federalists were opposed to the Constitution because they felt it established a federal government that was too powerful. They argued that a strong national government would diminish the power of the States.
conservatives opposed large central government
National Government, Central government(as opposed to state)
George Washington
Any law passed by the federal government, as opposed to the states, would be considered a federal law.
Anti-Federalism refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government .
It is called a Federal government as opposed to a Unitary government.
All the sections opposed spending money from the Federal Government for internal improvements in the States.
conservatives opposed large central government
US President Andrew Jackson was the 7th US president. He was opposed to a national US bank, and he was opposed to having the US Federal government in debt.
i would like to know the answer