The President stays in office until the end of his term, regardless if a war starts between the election and inauguration.
No, unless there is some technicality I am not aware of
All that is known of the reasons for President Woodrow Wilson to have left office was because he did not choose to seek re-election.
In this event the newly elected vice-president would take office on Jan. 20 . He would then nominate a new vice-president who would have to be approved by Congress in order to take office.
The President can lose his/her job by death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of said office. >>Constitution!It can also be liars paradox, because before he is elected, he's not the president, and therefore cannot be discharged from a job he is not currently employed as.
There was no US presidential election in 1801. The election was in 1800 and Jefferson was elected and took office in 1801.
Ulysses S. Grant
James Polk was the first president who did not seek re-election after serving his first term in office. Other presidents before him did not serve two terms, but they sought re-election and failed to get it.
The date is January 20 in the year after the November election.
By running for office when the election comes.
When a vacancy occurs in the office of the lieutenant governor of Texas, the Senate will elect one of its members as the acting President of the Senate until the next state-wide office election.
a Lame Duck. or A still-in-office-president.
If the vacancies are due to the death, resignation or removal from office of both the President and Vice President, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, if qualified, resigns from the House, becomes President, and appoints a new vice president, subject to congressional approval. If the vacancies are because the winners of the presidential and vice-presidential elections have not yet been determined by Inauguration Day, the Speaker of the House becomes Acting President until the election winners are determined. If the House Speaker is serving as Acting President when the winner of the vice presidential election has been determined but the winner of the presidential election still has not yet been determined, the Vice President takes over as Acting President until the presidential election winner is determined.
No. Several Presidents were governors or held other political office prior to becoming President. Some held no political office at all.
lame duck
Fillmore was elected as vice-president and began president because President Taylor died in office. In those days, there was no way to replace the vice-president before the next election.