Yes, each state has its own constitution. The US Constitution sets aside certain rights and responsibilities to the states and so the management of those items, as well as the set up of the state government needs to be codified.
Full Faith and Credit
Setting up public schools
Laws passed in one state are honored by other states
The constitution of the United State can be amended.How?follow hereHow_can_the_US_Constitution_be_amended
States cannot pass laws the contradict the Constitution
Yes and Yes. The US Constitution applies to all the states. Each state has its own constitution that applies to that state. The state cannot contradict anything in the US Constitution, but they can add things that they feel are missing, or have more stringent requirements for certain things. And the state's constitution sets up and defines the government that will rule the state.
City, governs cities and villages, State, governs states and Federal governs the country.
In the United States state law governs marriage.
There are fifty state governments in the United States. Each state has its own government that governs from the state capital.50
There are fifty state governments in the United States. Each state has its own government that governs from the state capital.50
Look in the constitution, it says it there
The full faith and credit clause in the Constitution makes the states honor the laws of other states.
Because they were the first state to ratify the Constitution of the United States.
Full Faith and Credit
Yes, all states in the US have a constitution. Writing a constitution is a first step in becoming a state.