Answer: Apex Quiz 1.2.4 Makes a revolt against Britain seem inescapable Hope this helped :)
There were several drafts of the Declaration of Independence written before one was agreed upon to send to the King of England. The first drafts were written on the cheapest paper of the day which was created by use of hemp.
the declaration of independence was the first lasting representation of a constitutional government in the new world
People may refer to the Declaration of Independence as an example of how early people gained rights and it should still be a way to gain rights now/ in the future.
the declaration of independence is a piece of paper. it did not use weapons.
the declaration of independence was signed July 4th
The Declaration of Independence.. jrc
There is not a way to use The Declaration of Independence to argue against quitting. It is only a document that states the independence of a state.
Before the Declaration of Independence, the Colonies were subjects of the British Crown, a constitutional monarchy.
Lincoln didn't use the Declaration of Independence for the emancipation proclamation. The Declaration of Independence was a letter to the king telling why the colonies were declaring independence.
no, but Franklin did use some Masonic references in that.
Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence
limited government
John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence using his full name with no middle initial. He did not use any other initial than J on the document.
John Locke philosophy.
he's reasonable