No, the Constitution doesn't say it, but the Declaration of Independence does. U.S. Government has failed to protect our rights and it is time to take back our rights and replace this government with one that will protect our rights.
YES!! Somewhere in our U.S. Constitution it says this I remember.... Just where is the question......
what can the president do if a sate fails to comply with the directives of the central goverment
Maybe a Monarchy Maybe a Monarchy this answer fails.
The Constitution of the United States gets its authority from the people of the United States. It's preamble begins with these words; "We the people..." That authority his then reinforced by the establishment of the three branches of government.
According to the Declaration of Independence, governments are created to protect the rights granted to all people, known as unalienable rights. That means they cannot be taken away. Governments get their power from the people they govern. If the government cannot protect the rights of the people or if the government becomes destructive of the rights of the people, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish the government. If a government has been in operation for a long time, the Declaration indicates that peaceful means should be attempted to solve the problems, via the ballot box, laws, etc. However, if the government has become dictatorial or a unconstitutional monarchy then violent revolution may be the only course for the people.
Who knows what will happen? That's the cause of much anxiety these days.
Replace it.
According to Thomas Jefferson, if the government fails to fulfill it's full purpose, the people have the right/duty, to get rid of those in the government and choose others to fill the spots.
When the Declaration of Independence argues that the government fails to serve the interests of free men, it suggests that the people have the right to alter or abolish that government and establish a new one that will protect their rights and serve their interests. This reflects the idea of popular sovereignty, emphasizing that the government derives its power from the consent of the governed.
If any government abused these rights instead of protecting them then the people had the right to rebel and form a new government.
If any government abused these rights instead of protecting them then the people had the right to rebel and form a new government.
According to Thomas Jefferson, if the government fails to fulfill it's full purpose, the people have the right/duty, to get rid of those in the government and choose others to fill the spots.
research b_itch
Anarchy is a state of lawlessness and disorder, this usually occurs when a government fails the people. Usually the Government still remains in control as best it can by whatever means it has at its disposal. If the government steps downs then a person or persons chosen by the people will form an interim Government until order can be restored and a duly elected government can be called to replace the disgraced one.
replace it
John Locke
governments are created to protect people's natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When a government fails to secure these rights, the people have the right to alter or abolish it.
John Locke and Thomas Jefferson both believed in the concept of social contract theory, which asserts that individuals have the right to overthrow a government that fails to protect their natural rights. Jean-Jacques Rousseau also discussed the idea of the "general will" and the right of the people to depose a ruler who acts against it.