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The Swine Flu thing is one more time an example of mass hysteria provoked by the media.

The Mexican economy is being forced on its knees for a virus that is not much more different than the usual yearly virus flue mutations, or the 'usual' 36'000 casualties of 'regular' flue in the USA. In Mexico there are 22 confirmed swine flue casualties. Just compare.

The WHO initiated a badly planned media frenzy, the media loved it, the Chinese overreacted, the french wanted to put a country in quarantine and so many more are happy to cancel whatever communications they have, just for the sake of 'own national protection'.

I'm happy to live in Mexico and disgusted by the international media and the WHO.

Yeah, it has too much power in fact much much power. How? the media can make or break anything e.g it made Britney Spears & now who's reporting negatively 'bout her?However, the media's power isn't absolute, this' why gov'ts legislate it because absolute power would corrupt the media e.g journalists would become selfish, unobjective, name it. This' why its power is rationed.In summary, media as a watchdog of gov't enables some degree of efficience of gov't officials not forgetting its educational, social responsibility role amongothers.

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Q: Does the mass media have too much power?
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Does the media have too much power?

The media does hold significant power in shaping public opinion and influencing society. However, whether it is too much power is subjective and can vary depending on individual perspectives. It is important for the media to act responsibly and ethically in order to ensure that their power is used for the greater good.

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In my opinion that would be the media; in particular, the broadcast media. Those that believe that the government or the people in government are the answer must take into consideration that so much of the media is delivering opinion rather than news. We don't get to hear what government officials are actually doing only what a particular media person or media group wants us to think they are doing. That power trumps the power of the government.

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