The president does not pay for his residence or for official meals. Any food consumed privately by him or his family in the White House he is charged for. It's not cheap!
Lyndon B. Johnson
federal funds for low-income housing
The United States Housing Authority establishes policies concerning housing. The agency was established in 1937 under the New Deal with President Roosevelt.
He became the head of a newly created Department of Housing and Urban Development.
You receive free insurance, travel opportunities, and free housing and meals. Source: FLVS
If enlisted 15,000.00 but you have free health care free housing free meals well free cus you don't see it get taken out and you have to be their certain times to eat
The President of Nepal makes $109,410 per year Thus figure does not include peeks of the position such as free housing.
is a free government grant available for housing
Franklin Roosevelt was President when the first federally-funded public housing was built in the US.
There is only one way to get free meals from GISD. You will have to fill out forms and they will send you a letter telling you if you got it or not.
By all government standards your "housing" is being paid; room & board, meals, laundry, etc. by the prison system. Outside housing will not be paid for in your name.
He probably has a lot of personal chefs. Many of the meals that the president eats are actually business meetings made into meals, and the president most likely has a whole kitchen full of personal chefs to cook these meals. However I'm sure that if Mr. President wanted to cook for himself he would probably be allowed to.
Does it provide anything like medical checks or meals.
Housing is not that destined. Housing is so much more hard and fast