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wassupported byPopulists/Democrats

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Rosamond Weber

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No. McKinley won.

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Q: During presidential election of 1896 William jennings Bryan?
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What is William Jennings Bryan best known for?

William Jennings Bryan was the Democratic Nominee for President in 1896, 1900 and 1908. He was the orator who wrote the famous 'Cross of Gold' speech. He also was on the prosecution tema during the Scopes Monkey Trial.

What if no majority is won during a presidential election?

If there is no majority in a presidential election, the election moves to the newly elected house of Representatives who vote on the top 3 contestants.

Who are you voting for during a presidential election?

Ron Paul

What was the major issue during the election of 1832?

the free and unlimited coinage of silver. -William McKinley wanted to remain on the gold standard. -William jennings Bryan and the populist party advocated for the silver standard. the free and unlimited coinage of silver. -William McKinley wanted to remain on the gold standard. -William jennings Bryan and the populist party advocated for the silver standard. realignment

What is held during the summer before a presidential election?

Primary elections and caucuses and the Democratic and Republican Presidential conventions

Who was part of the prosecution team during the Scopes Monkey Trial?

William Jennings Bryan was part of the prosecution team during the Scopes Monkey Trial.

Which president started the full dinner pail?

President William McKinley started the full dinner pail. It was used as a campaign slogan during the presidential election of 1900.

Who ran for president of the US of America in 1892?

William Jennings Bryan , Democrat from Nebraska with Populist party support, ran against William McKinley, Republican from Ohio in 1896.

What month do you have a general election for President of the US?

In the US, a Presidential election occurs during a general election on the second Tuesday in November.

Who won the presidential election of 1928 and was president during the first years of the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover won the 1928 presidential election defeating Alfred Smith.

Who was Gerald Fords challengers during the election?

Gerald Ford lost the 1976 presidential election to Jimmy Carter.

His election marked the end of Reconstruction?

The president's election that marked the end of Reconstruction was Rutherford Hayes. It was during the Presidential Election of 1876.