white house office
oath of office
James Monroe, the 5th president of the US was president during the Missouri Compromise.
It was created by the recommendations of the Brownlow Committee and by Franklin Rossevelt persuaded Congress to pass the law for the Executive Office or the President
The Executive Office of the President was established in 1939 to give the president the necessary support needed to govern the country. This was established during the second term of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
constitutional convention
The Oval Office was built during President Taft's administration.
It created rapid economic growth during his time in office.
President Roosevelt created a total of 18 national monuments during his time in office.
The constitution states the terms of office and how a president or Vice President can be removed from office.
white house office
The president in office during the Chesapeake-Leopard affair was Thomas Jefferson.
oath of office
No - the Office of President was not yet created
President Lyndon B. Johnson
Ronald Reagan was in office in 1984 when the federal sentencing commission was created.