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constitutional convention

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Q: During which historical event was the office of the vice president created?
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Which historical event was the office of the vice president created?

constitutional convention

Which president created the oval office?

The Oval Office was built during President Taft's administration.

How many national monuments did President Roosevelt create?

President Roosevelt created a total of 18 national monuments during his time in office.

Why was the expansion of the Internet beneficial for President Bill Clinton?

It created rapid economic growth during his time in office.

Who by law determine the removal of either the president of vice president during their term in office?

The constitution states the terms of office and how a president or Vice President can be removed from office.

What department was created during the 1930's to advise and assist the president in carrying out presidential duties?

white house office

Who was the president in office during the chesapeake-leopard affair?

The president in office during the Chesapeake-Leopard affair was Thomas Jefferson.

What historical document does each president swear to protect preserve and defend?

oath of office

Was George Washington in the war when he was a president?

No - the Office of President was not yet created

Which president was in office during The Bill of Rights?

President Lyndon B. Johnson

Which president was in office when the sentencing commission was created?

Ronald Reagan was in office in 1984 when the federal sentencing commission was created.

If the President died in office dose the presidnt elect take office?

The vice president would take office because the constitution states that if the president dies or resigns during his term in office the vice president serves the rest of the term