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The New England colonies and strict severe, democratic law. Each town, which was filled with educated people, had a local authority and held monthly town meetings in the meeting hall. The Chesapeake Colonies was a legislative owned by aristocrats. The county governments were more spread out, therefore the backcountry farmers were underrepresented

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religon and family structure for social are some. and some economically are agriculture and labor and buisness practices

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Q: Economic and social differences between Chesapeake and New England Colonies?
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What are the differences between the new England colonies and the Chesapeake colonies?

The New England colonies were created by Puritans escaping religious persecution in England. The Chesapeake colonies were primarily created by companies interested in profiting from the Natural Resources of the New World.Compared to New England, Chesapeake society -. possessed fewer ... that bears his name? to abolish slavery and make Virginia a more democratic society.

What are the differences between the chesapeake middle colonies and New England?

The New England colonies were created by Puritans escaping religious persecution in England. The Chesapeake colonies were primarily created by companies interested in profiting from the natural resources of the New World.Compared to New England, Chesapeake society -. possessed fewer ... that bears his name? to abolish slavery and make Virginia a more democratic society.

What effect did imperial legislation in England of the late 1600s have on the chesapeake colonies?

Imperial legislation in England during the late 1600s, such as the Navigation Acts, had a significant impact on the Chesapeake colonies. These acts were designed to regulate trade and bolster England's mercantile system, leading to increased enforcement and restrictions on colonial trade. This ultimately limited the economic autonomy of the Chesapeake colonies and contributed to tensions between the colonists and the English crown.

How was the life expectancy in the new England and chesapeake colonies?

chesapeake:40-45 new england: 60-65

Which English colonies relies most heavily on shipping and shipbuilding?

Its either The chesapeake colonies New England colonies mid atlantic colonies southern colonies HELP WHICH ONE?

The most important reason for the difference between the New England and chesapeake colonies was based on?

chesapeake had higher mortality rate

What were the conditions of 17th century social economic and religious life in New England and the Chesapeake region?

compare the conditions of 17th century social, economic, and religious life in new england and the chesapeake region

What were the crops in the chesapeake colonies?

Since the climate of the chesapeake colonies was so much like that of the middle colonies they had very good soil in the chesapeake colonies. Deciding to grow a lot of tobacco. Tobacco was the main crop though there was some shipbuilding and shipping to ship the tobacco to the other colonies and back to England.

Why did the New England Colonies prosper earlier than the Chesapeake settlements?


Three regions of the English colonies?

The Chesapeake, The New England, The Middle Colonies, and The South.

What are the 4 regions of the colonies?

The four regions of the colonies were New England, the Middle Colonies, the Chesapeake Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. New England consisted of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. The Middle Colonies included New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The Chesapeake Colonies were Virginia and Maryland, while the Southern Colonies encompassed North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

Which English relied most heavily on shipping and shipbuilding?

Its either The chesapeake colonies New England colonies mid atlantic colonies southern colonies HELP WHICH ONE?