President on $5,000 five thousand dollar bill: James Madison
James Madison was featured on one dollar $1 coin.
'Face value' means the amount printed on the note (bill). Therefore the answer is 5,000 dollars. If you have been given this question the way you write it, it was a trick question.
James Madison
shot him in the face
it was on the 1 dollar bill
There has never been an American $300 bill.
'Face value' means the amount printed on the note (bill). Therefore the answer is 5,000 dollars. If you have been given this question the way you write it, it was a trick question.
James Madison is on the 5000 dollar bill
James Madison
Its face value is 5 but its place value is 5000 and 5000 minus 5 = 4995
James Madison
As of October 2011, 5000won = 4.2941 U.S. Dollars.
What is 5000 won worth in us exchange for money
It is worth about $5000 Uncirculated
William McKinley
James Madison
James Madison