Are somewhat different from each other.
Medical marijuana
some state governments
state governments grant local governments their power but do not tend to interfere with their day -to-day responsibilities
Facism still exists. It is a form of government and an idea therefore it cannot be defeated. Facist governments can be defeated.
I don't know if there is any facist country in Europe, but in Asia, for example, there is North Korea. In Africa, there is Zimbabwe.
Nazi Germany 1933- 1945 Spain 1936- 1975 Both became facist governments before WWII and after WWII. Germany was pro facism in Spain and helped with Military force it to become a facist country. There are definetly more, but those are the ones that came to mind.
WW2 started when facist Germany invaded Poland in Sept. 1 1939
WW2 started when facist Germany invaded Poland in Sept. 1 1939
Niether he was a Republican who became a Dictator.
Basically, the world would be a totalitarian/facist government run by the AXIS powers.
Alex Helme is a feeder and a facist
Apex:National governments-Amburr
what are the 3 general forms 0f governments found in the world