Facts about Mrs. Butterworth's syrup include calorie counts. The sugar free version of the syrup contains only 20 calories per one quarter cup.
Mr. and Mrs. Pink -.- LOOOLLL Jk Mr. and Mrs. Brown -.-
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Facts speak to what occurred, whereas interpretations speak to the meaning of what occurred.
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Mrs. Butterworths syrup is a dark brown color.
Mary Lou Bertha.
LexisNexis Butterworths's population is 1,000.
LexisNexis Butterworths was created in 1818.
Mrs. Butterworth's is made from corn syrup not real maple syrup and is not graded. It is artificially flavored pancake syrup.
This syrup is made in the genie state in which i say on goggle
Mrs. Butterworth's is syrup for pancakes. It begins with the letter m.
Mrs. Buttersworth is a container that holds syrup.
Nicholas Mostyn has written: 'Butterworths Child's Pay'
D. Holmes has written: 'Butterworths Student Companions'