

First democratic country

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Ancient Greece is believed to have the first democracy. The city of Athens had a form of direct democracy where all eligible voters decided the issues.

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Worlds First democratic country?

i beileve it was Greece, Athens

What is the difference the Egypt and Israel?

Israel is democratic rich and developed country first world country but Egypt is totally not a 1st world country and totally not developed and rich or democratic

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First you should say WHICH country you mean. This is a worldwide site with people from MANY countries contributing.

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It was our first democratic election in South Africa, in which the African National Congress (ANC) won and Nelson Mandela became president.

What is the difference between Israel and Egypt?

Israel is democratic rich and developed country first world country but Egypt is totally not a 1st world country and totally not developed and rich or democratic

When did Israel become a free country?

Israel became independent in 1948 and had its first democratic elections in 1950.

Was new zealand the first democratic country in the world?

Yes, in a way. New Zealand was the first country to give voting rights to every citizen including women and indigenous people.

What is the democratic system?

First, a petition is formed by signatures then, it is placed on the ballot, and finally it is voted on by the citizens in that state, or country.

Is Germany the second world?

No, Germany is generally considered to be exemplary for a first world country, being a democratic country with a high standard of living and economic power.