The constitution, legislateve appropriation acts signed into law by President, and Judical courts fuling and comproller gneral decisions (all the above
One of Congress's fiscal powers is levying and collecting taxes to pay the country's debts and build the armed services.
Fiscal politics is anything going on in the government that has to do with monetary policy like budgets and things.
Which action would be a change in the government's fiscal policy
Fiscal Federalism is the disposition of tax powers and financial responsibilities among the various level of government in the federation.
It means running out of money.
All of the above . 1. The constitution 2.legaslative appropriation acts signed into law by the president 3.Judical rulings and comptroller general decisions
b. Fiscal law
"Laws" are not derived from "case law" - DECISIONS are derived from case law.
Law is derived from Common Law, Statutory Law, and Administrativel Law.
Fiscal Law
Fiscal Law
I don't think it can be derived.
Purpose, Time, Amount (PTA)
A temporary law that Congress passes when an appropriations bill has not been decided by the beginning of the fiscal year is a continuing resolution.
the power of the purse.
Statutory law is derived from legislation passed by a legislative body, such as a congress or parliament. This type of law is created through the enactment of statutes, codes, and regulations.