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One of the purposes that may make the congress to impose a tax is to increase the revenue of the government. When the revenue is increased, the federal government is able to provide the basic services to its citizens.

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Q: For what purpose may congress impose a tax?
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For which of these purposes may congress impose a tax?

Public purposes

The gave Congress the power to impose an income tax on the American people.?

The _______ gave Congress the power to impose an income tax on the American people.

Was a constitutional amendment necessary before congress could impose a tax on income?

No. A constitutional amendment was necessary before congress could impose a tax on property.

Can congress impose a tax on a church service?

No it is against the constitution and churchs rights

What amendment gives congress the power to impose an income tax?

the 16th amendment...

Which amendment empowered Congress to levy an income tax?

The 16th amendment was passed in 1913 to establish Congress right to impose a federal income tax.

Why did the congress believe that the English parliament had no right to impose tax on them?

Taxation without representation.

What did the 16th amendment do?

The 16th amendment gave congress the power to levy income taxes, and impose a direct tax.

What reasons other than the rising of revenue might the congress impose tax?

Congress might impose a tax for many reasons other than production of revenue. One other reason might be to inhibit behavior that they do not want from taxpayers. An example may be a tax such as cigarette taxes or raising taxes on items such as alcohol or marijuana. Other such manipulation may be to offer lower taxes of eliminate taxes on certain items that they wish to promote such as States not taxing farm goods or offering tax breaks for companies to locate a plant and hire workers within their states.

What gave Congress the power to impose an income tax on the American people?

The US Constitution (16th amendment).

What amendment gave congress the right to impose tax?

The 16th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution cleared the way for Income Taxes.

What may congress tax?
