well, actually... It had to do with a few things: inflation and trade. When Rome needed extra money, they began minting their coins with less precious metal in order to make more coins with the same amount of precious metal. This caused an over circulation of money causing the money to lose much of its value. Trade also contributed. When the Roman Empire was split, each part lost the economic benefits of the other part. This was a problem because the east had control over the major trade routs. This prevented Rome from gaining any large profit from trade.
Rome is a city in Italy. The leader of Italy is the leader of Rome.
Early Rome was governed by kings, but after only seven of them had ruled, the Romans took power over their own city and ruled themselves. They then instead had a council known as the 'senate' which ruled over them. Entry to the senate was by birth or rank. Later it was the consuls who nominated new members to the senate.
they left rome and rome didnt know what tot do?
Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.
a soldier who is a member of a legion (especially the French Foreign Legion)
The first Punic War was fought between Carthage, and Rome, the second was fought in Rome, and the third was fought in Carthage.
Romulus and Ramus fought over rome
In ancient Rome the men who fought were either the military or the gladiators.
Rome and Carthage fought in the Punic Wars, but Rome won the war.
No, they didn't have to. Roman citizens were all free. Rome fought for the glory of Rome and for the honors associated with military victories.No, they didn't have to. Roman citizens were all free. Rome fought for the glory of Rome and for the honors associated with military victories.No, they didn't have to. Roman citizens were all free. Rome fought for the glory of Rome and for the honors associated with military victories.No, they didn't have to. Roman citizens were all free. Rome fought for the glory of Rome and for the honors associated with military victories.No, they didn't have to. Roman citizens were all free. Rome fought for the glory of Rome and for the honors associated with military victories.No, they didn't have to. Roman citizens were all free. Rome fought for the glory of Rome and for the honors associated with military victories.No, they didn't have to. Roman citizens were all free. Rome fought for the glory of Rome and for the honors associated with military victories.No, they didn't have to. Roman citizens were all free. Rome fought for the glory of Rome and for the honors associated with military victories.No, they didn't have to. Roman citizens were all free. Rome fought for the glory of Rome and for the honors associated with military victories.
Lets start at the beginning. 900ish B.C.: The Estrican War; Rome fought for its independence frome the Estucan kings. 600-300 B.C: Roman/Greek wars: Rome expelled Greecians from Italy and took the island of Sicily. 300-170 BC: The Punic Wars: Rome fought against the Carthegians. Rome won these wars. 300 B.c.- 400 A.D.: Rome fought in many small wars of conquest. 400-450: Rome fought the Barbarians and lost. 1000-1300: Rome fought in the Crusades as part of the Vatican Army. 1300-1912: Rome was involved in an unknown amount of wars. 1912- 1916: World War I: (I think Rome fought for the Nazi's I can't remember.) 1939- 1945: World War II: Rome fought for the Nazi's but once the allies occuppyied it Rome fought for the allies. 1945- 2008: None
Rome and Carthage.
The Romans.
Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.