1774 is the date
october 7 1763 is the date
Do you know how we (English) write our date eg. 1/3/09 which is 1st March 2009 how do Americans Write theirs?Although Canadians (also english) write the date in a different order.
The exact date of Matthew Hopkins' birth is not known, but he is believed to have been born around 1620.
The roots of US government date back to the British practices of rule by law and representative legislature.
The date of the Louisiana Purchase was April 30, 1803
It's the day the stock actually made it into your account. If it was the day you sold the put, these things would be a nightmare to calculate basis on.
The treaty was signed by Pierce and submitted to the Senate on February 10, 1854. April 26, 1854 was the date that the final version of the treaty was ratified by the Senate. It became final June 8.1864 when Mexico agreed to the final version.
The Louisiana Purchase date was April 30,1803.
The date of the Louisiana Purchase was April 30, 1803
Contrary to popular American belief, the Republic of Philippines is a sovereign independent country. The US has never "acquired them"
July 15 1870 is the official transfer date.
October 27 1492 was the date Christopher Columbus conquered it for the Spanish.
Wake Island was discovered by the US in 1840 by the Navy. However it wasn't until 1899 that it was officially claimed by the United States.
No. Purchase date is, of course, the date the stock was purchased. Record date refers to who the legal owner of stock was on a certain date (typically used to determine who has the right to receive the dividend to be paid).
The date of the original owner's purchase.