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The British commander who lost the Battle of Saratoga was John Burgoyne.

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9y ago

It was John Burgoyne who, in 1777, planned an ill-fated British invasion of New York. He was a General in the British Army. He ended up surrendering on October 17.

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10y ago

The British burned many public buildings, including the White House.

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13y ago

John Burgoyn

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Q: General who planned the ill-fated british invasion of new york state and loser of the crucial battle of saratoga?
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There was one: General Burgoyne

Was The defeated British commander at Saratoga General Burgoyne?

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Was The defeated British commander at Saratoga was General Burgoyne?

Yes it was.

Why is John Burgoyne responsible for the british defeat at saratoga?

Because he was the British general in charge there.

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British general and playwright John Burgoyne did surrender 5,000 British and Hessian troops to the American General Horatio Gates at Saratoga, New York, in 1777.

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No he was not in the Battle of Saratoga. The battle of Saratoga N.Y. was with Benedict Arnold and American General Gates. George Washington was in Philadelphia at the time, hiding from the most powerful British army led by General Gage. The Battles of Saratoga was were the two American Generals faced off against the British General Burgoyne. The Americans won.

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General John Burgoyne