From a long term point of view, considering the history of governments, it could be argued that the greatest thing he did was leave office when his term expired and his successor was elected. This had hardly ever happened before. Even today this doesn't often happen, as in North Korea where Kim Il Sung was succeeded by his son, who is grooming his own son to succeed him, just like royalty in the old days.
no offense but don't listen to the first part of this that person doesn't know anything about history George Washington set the precedence for all future presidents he did so much for h is country during and before his presidency that it wasn't all documented
he abolished slavery
George Washingtons term in office was from 1789 to 1797.
suck my poo
what was George washingtons child live like
He didn't do so well with that. but he was a good leader otherwise.Some even say that people heard him speaking in tongues when he was praying before a battle!
George Washington.
No, George Washington is not single.
George Washingtons dad was Augustine Washington and his second wife which is his mother is Mary Ball Washington.