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Q: George Washington was born in what colony?
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What was the county and colony in which George Washington was born?

George Washington was born in Fairfax County, Virgina.

Was George Wastington born in Califoria?

no. George Washington was born in the Colony of Virginia.

What colonial was George Washington in?

George Washington was born and raised in the colony of Virginia. He spent almost his entire life at Mount Vernon, VA.

Where was George Washington Carmack born?

Westoreland country, colony of Virginia

How old was George Washington when he came to this country?

Washington was born in Virginia (then an English colony) in 1732.

Which colony is George Washington from?

George Washington was born in Westmoreland, Virginia. If you want more information about George Washington and what he did then look at the George Washington biography. (at the related link)

What colony is George Washington from?


Where was George Washington's birthplace?

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. More specifically, George Washington was born on the family estate, named Wakefield, near Pope's Creek, in Westmoreland County, in the colony of Virginia, in British America.

Where was Agustine Washington born?

Augustine Washington was born in Westmoreland a Colony of Virginia, British America. He was also the father of George Washington, who later became president of the United States of America.

George Washington lived in what country?

Washington was born in England and lived in the Virginia colony until it became part of the United States of America.

What colony was Martha Washington born in?

Martha did not move around much. She was born , married and died in coastal Virgina. She was born and married for the first time near Williamsburg, VA.

George Washington was a native son of what colony?
