The Townshend Acts taxed the goods being imported to the colonies.
England felt they needed to control the colonies. They thought of the thirteen original colonies as an extention of themselves, and just a way to make more money. Thus, they taxed all imported/exported goods. This was one of the factors that triggered the Revlutionary War.
townshend act
Excessive taxation by the British for the goods imported by Americans; the taxation acts got progressively more excessive after the Sugar and Stamp Acts, resulting in what Americans called "The Intolerable Acts", which further taxed paper goods, certain kinds of cloth, and well, we got sick of it.
Because the British government needed to pay for the French and Indian War
Because the British government needed to pay for the French and Indian War
why do you think England taxed goods imported from or exported to other countries
England felt they needed to control the colonies. They thought of the thirteen original colonies as an extention of themselves, and just a way to make more money. Thus, they taxed all imported/exported goods. This was one of the factors that triggered the Revlutionary War.
they were mad and thought it was selfish haha wrong answer
ships were taxed on all imported goods........ It's true
Tariffwrong sir, the question is what is the name of it and that is boycottby rod^uhm, you rod, are wrong. the answer is tariff.