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planned system

excellence in business


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Q: Governments control all or part of the allocation of resources and limit the freedom of choice in order to accomplish government goals in a what?
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How does market and government differ in allocation of resources?

the difference in market and government occurs in the allocation of resources and labor division which determines the prices

Grouping resources and activities to accomplish some goal is called?

Resource allocation.

Can government spending directly affect both the allocation of resources and the distribution of income?


What is the study of the allocation of resources?

ECONOMICS is the study of the allocation of SCARCE resources.

What are organizations outside the government that attempt to influence the government's behavior decision making and allocation of resources?

Lobbies and Special Interest Groups …

In a market economy what are the most important factors affecting scarcity?

C) the degree to which the government is involved in the allocation of resources.

Why indians are not satisfied with the current central government of india?

The Indians are not satisfied with the current central government of India because of unfair allocation of the government resources and rampant corruption.

What are the disadvantages of a single party government?

Mis allocation of resources lack of criticisms dictatorship in the government no representation of all people people's views are not listened to

Economics is about the allocation of resources for the production and distribution of goods?

Economics is about the allocation of resources for the production and distribution of goods and ___________.

Difference between resource allocation and resource utilization?

Resource allocation refers to the process of assigning resources while resource control refers to managing and regulating resources usage to ensure adherence to allocation plans.

Describe the allocation of resources in market and mixed economic systems?

In a free market where the demand and supply of resources as return to factors are determined by market forces to determine the resource allocation usually owned by private Enterprise through price mechanism, although government control to some extent also determines the allocation of resources for auxiliary or subordinate production of goods and services in a mixed economic system by planning in the production possibilities by the scarce resource allocation .

Why is human resources important to the development of industry?

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