480 BC was 2490 years before 2010. You can determine this by adding the current year to the BC year, 2010+480= 2490.
60 + 2016 = 2076 years.
Yes, it means 2,000 years before the birth of christ, or about 4,010 years ago.
it is bc bc bc bc bc
More then 4000 BC. It is one of the longest lasting civilizations
1,385 BC. Does anyone (except mathmiticains) have a zero year? Visualize: 1-1=0 by math but in years you start with 1, less one is -1!?
1297+2010= 3,307 years ago
06-10-2010 : 2762 years ago.
2010 AD. 2010 BC was over 4000 years ago.
a long time ago
221 BC was 2,241 years ago.
a very long time ago
He ruled from 488 BC- 480 BC when he died at the Battle of Thermopylae
2053 years ago. I'm not sure they had the Olympics in 44BC.
290 BC was 2300 years ago. 290 BC means 290 years before Jesus Crist was born which is the starting point from wich we count our present years. So you add the amount of years since Jesus Christ was born, currently 2010, and add the amount of years BC and you get the total of years: 2010 + 290 = 2300 So 290 BC was 2300 years ago.
From this year (2010), it would be 2030 years ago.
Long time ago !🤣
Remembering that there was no year zero, it was 4643 years between 2630 BC and 2014 AD.