William Ruto and Uhuru Kenyatta have not run out of ideas because they didn't have any in the first place.
The 3 Kenyans accused at the ICC for crimes against humanity are Hon.Uhuru Kenyatta, Hon. William Ruto, and Arap Sang.
ruto is a fat turtle
William Ruto is the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya.
No,Link does not marry Ruto,she is actually the water sage,and because of that she can;t marry him.
Issac Ruto
In Twilight Princess, Princess Ruto is not there. If you remember in Ocarina of Time, she became a sage. A new generation flew by and now it's a prince and a queen. Not a king and a princess.
deputy president of Republic of Kenya
Paul Ruto from Kenya won the men's 800m race at the 1993 IAAF World Championships.
She is inside Lord Jabu-Jabu
William Ruto is the Deputy President of Kenya.
Ahoy, there! If you mean Bigocto, he is where the Spiritual Stone is being placed. You fight him after Princess Ruto is taken away. To reach here, you need to have cut the tail of the green thing that is in the first room you meet Ruto. All you have to do is jump (with Ruto) in the hole the green thing was blocking.
William Samoei Ruto is the deputy president of Kenya.