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The real curse is globalism

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Q: Has nationalism been a blessing or a curse for the 20th century?
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Related questions

When has nationalism led to technological and scientific advancements?

Nationalism has led to technological and scientific advancements in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

How did Latin American nationalism in the first half of the 20th century differ from German nationalism in the first half of the 20th century?

Latin American nationalism compared to German nationalism was like comparing night and day. Latin American nationalism was disorganized and didn't have a common goal or purpose, as opposed to the German nationalism. German nationalism was to promote German supremacy and world control.

How far can the nineteenth century be described as an incubatory period for fascism?

One of the key features of fascism is nationalism. Nationalism were part of fabric of many 19th century nations. In that respect, the efforts of Napoleon, as an example, was the personification of French nationalism. In terms of that, it can be said that the 19th century was a cause of the fascism in the 20th century.

In the 20th century many Italians hoped to unify the independent Italian communities into a single state. Which of the following concepts does this scenario best illustrate?


What century 1984?

20th century

When was jazz originated?

in the 20th century in the 20th century

What were the motivations and consequences of totalitarian ideologies before 20th century?

they want to rule the world..... they have so much pride an nationalism for there country they want everything..... aka imperalism

Nationalism has had more of a positive or negatie impact on the world?

Nationalism was a positive feeling and drive in the 19th century when nation-states were formed and campaigns were started to become independent. Later, in the 20th century nationalism became a back of agressivity against other nations, and e.g. the Germans started to claim that their nation was superior and all the others were inferior nations. So it became rather negative.

Why was nationalism important in the 19th century?

Nationalism was (and has always been) a very important part of unify a nations populace for a common goal or agenda. This can be scene in the likes of Nazi Germany in a negative use or in India during the 20th century during the time of Gandhi. Nationalism or instilling in a people a sense of national pride or identity would have been especially useful during the 19th century because of the expansion of many of the European powers, and their Imperialism.

What century is 1966?

1966 was in the 20th century.

Why was nationalism so important in the 19th century?

Nationalism was (and has always been) a very important part of unify a nations populace for a common goal or agenda. This can be scene in the likes of Nazi Germany in a negative use or in India during the 20th century during the time of Gandhi. Nationalism or instilling in a people a sense of national pride or identity would have been especially useful during the 19th century because of the expansion of many of the European powers, and their imperialism.

What The most diverse classical music period was?

The 20th century is the most diverse classical music period.