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No, not as yet, but, there was never a female Prime Minister of Great Britain until Margaret Thatcher, and even she said about 10 years before she got elected "There will never be a female Prime Minister in my lifetime!", so, who knows? It could happen in the near future.
A female has never been elected to, or inherited the Presidency (or the Vice Presidency) of the US. It has, of course, been less than 100 years since they gained the right to vote (1920), and by extension the right to hold high office.

In some cases, such as Edith Wilson (wife of President Woodrow Wilson) and Eleanor Roosevelt (wife of FDR), a President's wife has assumed a large role in his administration due to her husband's physical condition. Only long after Wilson's term ended was the extent of Edith Wilson's control revealed, which entailed the willing cooperation of his cabinet and staff.

There have been female candidates in the Presidential primary races, notably ex-First Lady Hillary Clinton. And there have been two women who ran as Vice Presidential nominees (Geraldine Ferraro, Sarah Palin) but no female has ever been elected to the position of President or Vice President.
i dont know about in the entire world but as far as i know the USA is one of the few countries that elect presidents so my answer would be "no".

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

If you are asking about the United States, no, not yet. There have been some women who tried to run, such as Belva Lockwood way back in the 1880s, or Shirley Chisholm in 1972, but they did not get very many votes. Hilary Clinton was the first female candidate who did get a lot of votes, but she did not get enough to receive the Democratic nomination in 2008-- Barack Obama got it and he won the election.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

No. Several have run, but they all lost. (United States). None have been nominated by major parties. Hillary Clinton ran well in the Democratic primaries of 2008, but lost out to Obama.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

No, not so far.

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βˆ™ 16y ago


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